Sheldon and Fabyonne have transitioned from teen parents to tag teaming in ministry.
They met in church due to Sheldon’s famous pick up line
“You’re gonna be my wife.”
Although this was not the most appropriate line for teenagers it would later prove prophetic in nature.
They have traversed their teens, twenties, thirties and forties and celebrate God’s sustaining power despite the ups and downs they experienced on the roller coaster of love & marriage.
Now they are blessed to have 3 amazing adult children, 1 wonderful daughter-in-love and 10 absolutely perfect people (others call them grandchildren).
Dude & Diva (as they are referred to) were more interested in the house and honeymoon so they chose a JP wedding over doing it baller-style. Ohhhh but now they are ready to take the advice of The Obama’s and have:
“Big anniversaries instead of big weddings.”